Dating scene in boulder co

Dating > Dating scene in boulder co

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Hi, very glad I found this forum tonight. I'm trying to make a decision on whether to move, and I was hoping you fine people could help me out. First, a bit about myself. I have a Ph. D and I'm a research scientist, highly regarded in my field, doing some pretty high-profile stuff. I've been interviewed on TV and made front pages of major newspapers. I often travel to exotic locations Australian Outback, Canadian Arctic, Greenland for field work. I'm a licensed pilot, skydiver, and SCUBA diver. I rock climb, ski, bike, run, and backpack. I can cook, I'm well-read, I speak foreign languages, I have no major issues or personality disorders, I'm courteous, compassionate, good communicator, and a gentleman. Hopefully, the above doesn't come off too conceited, but it took a lot of work to get to where I am in life, and frankly, I imagined that by this point most women would consider me something of a catch, and dating would be easy. However, this hasn't been the case at all. Where do I start? Simply put, there is a vast overabundance of professional males in their 30s in Boulder, especially in scientific and engineering fields, thanks to the University of Colorado, IBM, NIST, NCAR, SwRI, Ball Aerospace, etc. Thus, I'm often treated like I'm a dime-a-dozen. I've been living here for a few years, and the more dating experience I get, the more it's starting to get to me. It's way harder to meet women. I'm bi, so do you know any women you could hook me up with? Most of the guys in my age group here are smart, interesting, great-looking, and athletic, so the competition is very intense. Getting dates is like pulling teeth. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've grown to believe that in most other places in the U. To make a long story short, I'm considering moving to Washington, DC, where I have a job offer at the Goddard Space Flight Center. The tragic thing is, I'd be moving mainly because of the dating situation: I love Boulder otherwise and would happily stay here if it wasn't for this one problem. So, any advice for me? Should I move just because dating sucks? Is there anything I'm overlooking? I've tried dating both online and off-line and neither has worked out very well here. Now I'm not 100% positive but, if you were to go out more you might be able to find someone that is in your town. I do go out quite a bit with my friends. I'm fairly social and have little difficulty talking to women. Do you have any specific suggestions on where to go? I gave up on the bar scene a while ago -- I generally had little in common with the women I met there. Unfortunately, this problem is even more amplified online -- these women are in extremely high demand and they know it. Ironically, the best dates I've been on were all outside of Boulder, when I was away on conferences. Thus, I have good reason to believe that it's not me that's the problem, it's the city I live in. That said, I'm all open to constructive suggestions on how to improve my dating life and avoid moving. I think I can relate to you in some degree. There doesn't appear to be a problem with the number of women in my area. The problem is that most are alcoholics, drug addicts, uneducated, obese, welfare cases, and head cases. The few eligible bachelorettes left are incredibly picky. You can earn 3x as much as them and that won't be nearly enough. I haven't been able to land a real date even through friends. You sound like an interesting guy. Sorry to hear about your dating woes. Have you tried having friends set you up? I have done a LOT of online dating over the years in Boston and DC and, like you, was mostly coming up empty and feeling frustrated with the whole thing. In the end, I met my boyfriend through new-ish mutual friends... So what is your friend scene like in Boulder? Are any of them connected to women or know people who might be... I have considered the same thing as you, feeling myself in a similar situation in Ann Arbor Michigan. Looking at that map you posted, things are not as bad here as they are where you are, although still skewed the wrong way for me. I guess if I drive to Toledo I would be better off. Ironically, when I thought about moving Boulder was one of the places that came to mind, because it seemed like a neat area. Looks like I should think twice about that! Perhaps you could find a group that is located far enough away from Boulder but still close enough to drive. Scott By the way, has anyone seen this? This is one of the reasons why I'm eyeing the East Coast. I'm from the East Coast,and i'd rather go back,not for the dating scene,but for the vibrant,lovely,fastpaced-chaos of the city. New york is one,now i'm eyeing Chicago. Find places that you would love to visit and have never been to,why not? I was a little immature at the time. You sound like an interesting guy. Sorry to hear about your dating woes. Have you tried having friends set you up? I have done a LOT of online dating over the years in Boston and DC and, like you, was mostly coming up empty and feeling frustrated with the whole thing. In the end, I met my boyfriend through new-ish mutual friends... So what is your friend scene like in Boulder? Are any of them connected to women or know people who might be... Hi Sunshinegirl, Thanks for the advice! Most of my male friends here are single, so if an eligible bachelorette appears on the horizon they usually go for it themselves rather than inform me about it. Most of my female friends here are women I've dated at some point, so asking them for hook-ups is a bit weird, but I've done it in the past a couple of times anyway, without much luck. Some of my male friends haven't been on a date in months... Women here seem really tired of the overabundance of professional guys, and there's a lot of longing for the simple, blue collar, salt-of-the-earth types which are much more scarce. Supply and demand, I guess. Not much that can be done about that, but I'll keep trying for a while longer. I was a little immature at the time. Women here seem really tired of the overabundance of professional guys, and there's a lot of longing for the simple, blue collar, salt-of-the-earth types which are much more scarce. Supply and demand, I guess. Not much that can be done about that, but I'll keep trying for a while longer. I remember hearing that quote from a woman that was studying at Caltech. She had a ratio enormously in her favor, but it didn't do her any good. This from a woman who ended up getting a postdoc in astronomy, so definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I guess just another case of people making things unnecessarily difficult on themselves and not appreciating what they have.

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